Mar 8Liked by Emily Alhadeff

Rest up. We need you.

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Mar 10Liked by Emily Alhadeff

Thanks, Emily, for this so necessary weekly Jewish Puget Sound writing! It's nice to read about our community every week and learn about what's going on. Keep at it!

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"Ethnic studies claims to be inclusive and then shuts out the people who don’t align with its politics." Castro-Gill also shuts down those who agree that K-12 education should include learning about the checkered, often disgraceful US history of racism and exclusion. We're too "white" to speak.

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It's obvious that Rebekah Harris Liberman's Day School education seems to have failed her when it comes to Israel. What is happening in Gaza is unconscionable, but not for the reasons that JVP thinks. If Hamas lays down its weapons and releases the hostages, this war would be over. But that would never be enough for JVP, who thinks that Jews don't deserve a homeland.

Regarding the failure of the Holocaust education bill, it is clear that Sen Lisa Wellman one of our few Jewish legislators and chairman of the Education Committee in the Senate caved to the the WAESN. Our Jewish legislators except for Jesse Solomon all gave up and they were clearly out maneuvered. Castro-Gill is entitled to her hysterical Jew hatred but should not be in a position to have input as to what should be in the K-12 curriculum. What is really sad is that Wellman had so little ability to combat this with the actual facts. Not sure how she can spin this to our Jewish Community. Just another sad day for Education in the state of Washington

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Now is the time for Haley supporters to come over and support President Joe Biden, and have a say in the administration's foreign policy direction. The campaign is what the members of the campaign make of it. And that affects the staffing of the White House in 2025.

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I cannot recall a situation in military history where an organization, such as Hamas, has had so little leverage, yet demanded so much. They are finished. Unconditional surrender is the only remaining option.

It's as if Japan demanded US exit from the Pacific after being bombarded to the edge of extinction.

I look at the misery in Gaza, and I see only one culprit. Hamas.

For those quick to blame Israel and Jews in general, perhaps it's time to take a closer look at where the real problem lies.

I see two possible outcomes as a result of unconditional surrender.

1. Expulsion of so called Palestinians from Gaza.

2. A new law abiding international governence model instituted with heavy participation by middle eastern countries, including Israel.

Whatever. Just do it before the US November election.

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The amendment was an 11th hour poison pill, so the bill never made it out of committee. The bill would have been sent to the Senate Education Committee, but I feel that we dropped the ball including the Federation lobbyist. There can be pressure placed by the Senate on the House as well…especially from the chair. There is plenty of blame to go around.

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It would be useful for students to learn about possibly as many as 20 million Chinese being killed by the Japanese in World War II. There should be more of an alliance with our Chinese neighbors over this history, perhaps some joint history lectures or seminars. Our community shouldn't allow the "white" vs. "BIPOC" division in "ethnic studies" alienate Chinese Americans from Jews.

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What is the citation for that quote from Tracy Carlos-Gill about Zionism? Here is another of her theories of history. It erases the history of opera, among other things. And gender and class hierarchies get a nod.


"In tribal societies, personal property, mostly in the form of land holdings, was strategically traded between tribes, usually through marriage arrangements. Using this method required a sense of community and trust between different tribal governments. Yes, there were gender hierarchies and class hierarchies, but there was still a sense of family and community because of the cooperation between tribes. The leaders were in community and were familiar with the community, if not liked or loved by them. Leaders who lost the trust of the community lost power."

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