What are your New Year’s resolutions, favorite Jewish moments of the year, hopes for 2022 (err…no more Covid?), and/or blessings for the Jewish community near and far?
Shoutout to our northwest community in responding to Limmud Seattle request for proposals and having 60+ amazing presentations including a new mental health track and Yiddish events!
My resolution is to make it a community wide event, respected and cherished by all Seattlelites and around the globe.
Resolved (or at least, imagined): grow nimbler at using media like this. Shoutout to Emily for taking the initiative to create this space.
Shoutout to our northwest community in responding to Limmud Seattle request for proposals and having 60+ amazing presentations including a new mental health track and Yiddish events!
My resolution is to make it a community wide event, respected and cherished by all Seattlelites and around the globe.