"Our success in America" - Our community needs to stop whitewashing the economic suffering of Jews in the US. According to the Pew charitable trust, 40% of American Jews can't afford to own a home and 10% of all Jews have an income below $32,000. The actual fact is that a generation of Jewish women are going into old age alone and in poverty. It's too horrible to write about the death of a disabled woman alone in this community. There is no genuinely caring and helpful nursing home or nursing care solution for low- income Jews in our Jewish community. There are no affordable and high-quality rental housing solutions. Numerous Jews didn't have families that would or could pay for their college education, let along graduate school, or provide their children with a down payment for a house. There are numerous Jews in the US who didn't and don't have access to inheritance. Nursing care took everything our families had in the previous generation. Jewish women faced the failure of the Jewish community to have Jews protected as a minority in the US civil rights laws. Jewish women suffered from the beauty standard that prioritized an Aryan appearance. Look at the education Jewish women have. Look at the jobs we have, with the same education. Look at how other ethnic and racial groups open the door of opportunity for their own people. We have been opposed and unsupported every step of the way, especially if we had an ethnic appearance. Some of the Tikun Olam needs to be directed towards the poverty in our own community rather than whitewashing it. Other religions do a much better job of helping their people with careers, businesses, arts, housing and nursing care. The Catholic Church does a much better job of taking care of its own.

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Tikun Olam is different from Marxism. Constructing Tikun Olam as something to criticize is a straw man argument. There is nothing wrong with Tikum Olam. There is a great deal wrong with ideological Marxism.

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