Special Sukkot edition open shoutout thread! Share your mazels, happy birthdays, tributes, memorials, celebrations, favorite poems, Shabbat shaloms, chag sameachs, thanks, praise, hopes, dreams…
Mazel tov to Mimi Broches on her 21st birthday! —Connie Kanter
Chag Sameach and Shabbat shalom to everyone. I want to send condolences to Julie Stein and Howard Wolosky on the far-too-soon loss of Julie's sister Shana. The world lost a bright light this week.
Mazel tov to Mimi Broches on her 21st birthday! —Connie Kanter
Chag Sameach and Shabbat shalom to everyone. I want to send condolences to Julie Stein and Howard Wolosky on the far-too-soon loss of Julie's sister Shana. The world lost a bright light this week.