Disappointing that Senn repeats the Dem talking point about Trump re: Charlottesville. This is what he said: "There were very fine people on both sides, & I'm not talking about the Neo-nazis and white supremacists because they should be condemned totally."

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Then who was he talking about?

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Rep. Senn seems unaware of a key piece of DEI philosophy, which is that white people do not get to control the narrative around what constitutes harmful words or actions. Since Jews are white (remember what Whoopi Goldberg said about the Holocaust on The View?), Jews (not just Zionists) do not have recourse to defining what constitutes hate speech against them or whether an impact is antisemitic.

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This is an important point.

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Were the Wing Luke employees who walked out on the exhibit fired?

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I'm not sure the problem is Democrats per se. I think it's more "progressive" or "leftist" people.

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