
Nice article. Freedom of religion is the the first right established within the first amendment of the constitution. It was that important to the founders.

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Thank you for this enlightening and different perspective. Brings back a memory from 30 years ago. Wandering around the US with my 12 year old twin sons on a road trip. Came across the Rhode Island Tauro synagogue. Was at an angle to the street to face east, and went in the front door. Inside under the bima was a trap door to escape, and along the wall, a guest chair. I sat on that chair. It was the one that George Washington sat upon his visit to Rhode Island and delivered his religious freedom assurance. Thank you again.

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Thanks for sharing, Ned! I didn't mention in this post that I was married at Touro. During the wedding ceremony the rabbi paused to show everyone a Torah scroll that had come out of Spain in 1492. It was a highlight of the whole wedding weekend for me.

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Married at Touro! What a great story. Would love to know more. Can we combine these two stories for a future Cholent edition?

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