Thank you for your continued vigilance and reporting on these topics-many of which would get no coverage but for your newsletter. Thank you for your advocacy and education!

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I'm glad to see you responding to the attack on the Antisemitism Task Force Report.

So far as I can tell, the Jewish critics highlight three points. First, the survey is wrong because it doesn't find enough "viewpoint diversity"--that is, the critics are convinced that there are large numbers of Jews at the UW who agree with them that the Report somehow doesn't find. In other words, the critics believe that surely must be large numbers of Jews who want Israel destroyed and vast numbers of Jews killed.

Second, they keep saying that anti-Zionism is not antisemsitism--just because you want Israel to be destroyed and vast numbers of Jews killed, you're not an antisemite.

Third, they can't understand why some Jewish organizations don't want to have anything to do with them. They want to be accepted--even liked.

If anyone can explain to me why people who call for mass murder believe that their views must be widely shared, and then don't understand why some other Jews don't like them, you've got my full attention. If the issue weren't so serious, the critics would seem pathetic more than anything else.

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The anti-Israel propaganda constructing an “issue” of “weaponizing antisemitism” is not random, grassroots activity. Ironically, it is the anti-Israel groups internationally who read the books on political messaging and cognitive frames (cognitive science) by US Berkeley linguistics professor George Lakoff. They develop simple one-word or two-word frames, while we produce tomes explaining antisemitism. The Israeli government never got together cognitive scientists, linguists, advertising executives and politicians to produce our own frames. We can start by countering “criticize Israel” with a host of other verbs, such as support, praise, love, visit, study, etc. “Am Yisroel Chai” is a good start.

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I wish that some of the liberal pro-Israel young people from UW Hillel would sign up for the Jewish Democratic caucus in the Washington State Democrats and attend whatever reorganization meeting occurs after the election. These students could run for all of the officer positions and over the caucus. But they have to become member soon enough - I hope it's not too late. I don't know what their by-laws are about who can vote. We people in our 70s can't be expected to keep doing everything. The young people are really needed to take action and get into the leadership roles. The Jewish Democratic caucus was ineffective in the 2024 state convention process and waited until the last minute for ineffective and incompetent action. The world belongs to the people who show up.

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